December 23, 2009

I have a formal photo blog so I don't post my pictures here anymore.I'm not even a photographer. Decided to post random thoughts & ramblings on favorite music videos/motion/random artwork here instead than let it wither and dies painfully which eventually leads to closing down. If you're here just to stalk my daily life, sorry losers. I don't keep a diary.cough cough* like hell there's any stalkers.Anyways,whenever I see someone/some fan girls/boys post something like this on the networld : (below are actual/similar comments on youtube etc)

ahhhhhhh I want my old Diru back!they look so much better with make up and costumes!!!!!!!!!!
I want Totchi-chan to wear make up again!!!
bring back visual kei Diru!!!!!!!!they sound like American nowadays, their old works are much better!!

I don't know what the hell with !!! till infinity, maybe it's an expression of excitement or something, but I'll just take a look at these Dir en grey's old pictures

If you're wondering who's the pretty girl in blue, that's Toshiya/Totchi.The other pretty one would be Shinya.

Are you freaking kidding me ? compare those to these :

I rest my case. I'm pretty much an old fan, discovered them during high school year (I'd blame on Kaoru's good looks with purple hair), dropped the loyalty fan card and came back again when I heard they sound more aggresive, and took off the ridiculous outfit (I swear there's more funny costumes than posted above).I guess I'm not fond of visual kei bands.And they don't sound..Japanese.surprise surprise!They don't sound Jrock at all. (oh hey I like Jrock too, Luna Sea ~♥♥♥) guess age made them dropped the flashy costumes.

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