September 23, 2010

千鶴 Chizuru


My eyes in which your impression is left
even when the day I lose sight of you comes
You are burned into these eyes.
You do not take me with you
To the days with you and the sunlight filtering through the trees

Where do my tears flow away to


I nestle up to
Your small wishes of a thousand cranes

In the end of my memory, which just counts my sighs
without being able to restore your smile, I hear your voice
The morning on which I lost everything
=Ruki/The Gazette

In your letter are only unreadable characters
I want you to meet me and let me hear it from your mouth

The white I can't get used to is my weak point
Even my sigh echoes
Though if I knew the sky's colour, I would be rescued
Someday I want to forget even the breathing,
which I am unable to perform well
It seems like even the strength to be able to wish dries out
When I sing "tomorrow, face down", thorns go along with sleep
Restraint was twined around my body
Even the mind seems to sleep
The warmth which touched my cheeks was so familiarly gentle
The shadow I saw in a blurred gulch, a warm - coloured dream
My eyes in which your impression is left
even when the day I lose sight of you comes
You are burned into these eyes.
You do not take me with you
To the days with you and the sunlight filtering through the trees
The oozing white wavers
It feels like I'll even forget words
Where do my tears flow away to
Call my name
Hold me till I crumble
I'm afraid to lose anything else
Where are you singing about me
Even if I listen hard, what echoes is my uneasy heartbeat
I can't recall the warmth that was left on my cheek
What I saw in the dim loophole Was a cold-colored reality
I nestle up to
Your small wishes of a thousand cranes
In the end of my memory, which just counts my sighs
without being able to restore your smile, I hear your voice
The morning on which lost I everything
The two of us can't become one

Papa, 残念です。さようなら。Till we meet again.

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